The Role of Xi’an Drum Music in Promoting Literacy and Cultural Awareness among Young Learners

Xiaoqian Shi, Jarernchai Chonpairot, Akapong Phulaiyaw


Xi’an Drum Music, a traditional folk wind and percussion music originating in Shaanxi Province, China, is a rich cultural heritage known for its intricate rhythms, evocative melodies, and narrative depth. This study investigates the role of Xi’an Drum Music in promoting literacy and cultural awareness among young learners by integrating this traditional art form into educational practices. Conducted in primary schools in Xi’an, the study utilized a qualitative approach involving classroom observations, semi-structured interviews with educators, and focus group discussions with students. Key informants included scholars, performers, and students engaged in preserving Xi’an Drum Music. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, identifying themes related to literacy engagement, cultural awareness, and pedagogical challenges. Findings reveal that the rhythmic and lyrical elements of Xi’an Drum Music significantly improve literacy skills, such as phonemic awareness and reading comprehension while fostering cultural pride and identity among learners. However, resource constraints and limited teacher training hinder broader implementation. The study suggests developing standardized teaching materials, providing professional development for educators, and fostering collaborations between schools and cultural institutions. These measures can enhance the integration of traditional arts into modern education, ensuring cultural preservation and educational innovation.


Xi’an drum Music, Literacy Education, Cultural Awareness, Traditional Music Integration, Pedagogy

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