Metaphorical Perceptions of Teachers Regarding Technology-enhanced Social Studies Instruction

Fatih Pala


This study aims to identify the metaphors created by social studies teachers for technology-supported instruction in social studies education. The study is conducted using the qualitative research design of “phenomenology”. The study group consists of a purposive sample of 156 social studies teachers working in schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in different regions of Turkey. The metaphors of social studies teachers regarding the use of technology in social studies education were collected through an online survey form. To reveal teachers’ metaphors for technology-supported instruction in social studies education, statements such as “According to me, technology-supported instruction in social studies education is like. because.” were used. Content analysis was used for data analysis in the research. Social studies teachers produced 50 metaphors related to technology use. These metaphors were categorized based on their common characteristics. The metaphors created by social studies teachers were visualized using figures and tables, categorized, and explained with quotations from participants’ justifications. The most frequently used category of metaphors related to technology-supported instruction in social studies education is the technology category, with 19 metaphors. It was concluded that social studies teachers generally have positive perceptions regarding technology-supported instruction.


Social Studies Education, Social Studies Teachers, Metaphor, Technology-supported Instruction

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