Achievement Goal Orientations and Self-regulated Learning Levels among Pre-service Music Teachers: A Comparative Study

İlkay Ebru Tuncer Boon, İrfan Yurdabakan


This study examines how 2×2 Achievement Goal Orientations (AGO) relate to Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) levels in pre-service music teachers, considering variables that influence these orientations. The research found that female pre-service music teachers showed higher achievement orientations than males, especially in Learning-Approach and Learning-Avoidance Orientations. Different grade levels and study habits also impacted these orientations. Students who studied more displayed greater Learning-Approach Orientation and SRL. Females had higher SRL scores, particularly in Planning, Goal Setting, and Strategy Use. Academic achievers showed more positive orientations and lower Learning Dependency. These insights can guide interventions and support systems for pre-service music teachers, enhancing learning outcomes and teacher education programs.


Self-regulated Learning, Achievement Goal-orientation, Music Education, Instrument Education

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