Comparison of the Violin Course Curricula in Fine Arts High Schools in Terms of their General Objectives in 1990 and 2022

Selin Özdemir


Curricula are the guidelines prepared to carry out education and training activities in accordance with their purposes. Teaching programs are prepared based on the goals of the school or educational institution, student needs, learning and teaching processes, course contents, learning materials, measurement and evaluation systems, teacher and student roles and relationships. The curriculum aims to develop students’ knowledge, skills and abilities in a specific discipline by supporting their individual development. It can be said that education and training programs have a structure that changes and develops people’s behaviors and thoughts in many ways. Students, teachers, and educational programs are among the most important elements that shape and guide the education system. Therefore, while creating the education program, it should be aimed to be focused on meeting the needs of the society as well as the views of students and teachers. Fine Arts High Schools are private schools that aim to provide students with artistic and cultural skills. They offer educational programs where students can develop their skills in art branches such as music, painting, dancing, and increase their artistic accumulation with art history, aesthetics and culture courses. This study aims to determine the differences in the individual instrument (Violin) course curriculum conducted in Fine Arts High Schools between 1990-2022. Relational screening pattern based on qualitative research model was used in the study and status determination and evaluation was performed. In the study, the relevant reports published in the Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education and MoNE Journal of Communiqués were used to specify the main objectives and program objectives of the individual instrument (violin) course curricula of Fine Arts High Schools between 1990-2022. Document analysis, which is used in case studies, was used in the analysis of the data. When examining the violin curricula in fine arts high schools from their establishment to the present day, it becomes evident that there has been a continuous emphasis on the development of technical and theoretical knowledge, as well as repertoire building. As a result of the research, it is concluded that the violin lesson curriculum of 2022 covers the programs of previous years. Also in order to cultivate well-rounded musicians in fine arts high schools, it is crucial to develop an education plan that not only focuses on technical and theoretical aspects but also places a strong emphasis on enhancing musicality, interpretation, and music literacy. The results were collected under the relevant programs and suggestions were made for the field.


Fine Arts High School, Music Education, Violin Education, Individual Instrument Curriculum

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