Effect of Readers Theater on Reading Comprehension Skills and Reading Motivation among Students of Turkish as a Foreign Language

Elif Aktaş


Different methods, techniques and strategies are employed in teaching to improve reading, especially comprehension skills to ensure reading motivation. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of readers theater on reading comprehension skills and reading motivation in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. In the study, in which an exploratory mixed design in which quantitative and qualitative research methods were used together was preferred, the subjects were determined by convenience sampling. Accordingly, 61 B1 level students (31 experimental, 30 control) learning Turkish as a foreign language at a state university in southern Turkey were assigned as the experimental and control groups. Reading comprehension achievement test was used to collect data in the study., reading motivation scale and semi-structured interview form were used to collect data. Dependent and independent groups t-test was used to analyze quantitative data; descriptive analysis and content analysis were used to analyze qualitative data. The results reveal that the reading theater technique had a positive effect on the reading comprehension skills and reading motivation of the students in the experimental group. In addition, it was determined that the students expressed positive opinions about the reading theater. Based on these results, it is suggested that reading theater technique should be used to increase the reading motivation of Turkish as a foreign language learner and improve their reading comprehension skills.


Reading Theater, Reading Skills, Reading Comprehension, Reading Motivation, Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.11n.3p.71


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