Relationship between Middle School Students’ Innovative Thinking Tendencies and Entrepreneurial Skills

Gökçe Kılıçoğlu, Damla Yıldırım


This study aims to determine the relationship between middle school students’ innovative thinking tendencies and entrepreneurial skills and to identify the variables that predict entrepreneurial skill. To this end, the study used the correlational survey method. The study group consists of 274 5th-, 6th-, and 7th-graders studying in 3 middle schools in the central district of Trabzon Province, Turkey, in the 2021-2022 academic year. The study data were collected using the “Innovative Thinking Tendency Scale for Middle School Students” (ITTSMSS) and the “Entrepreneurship Scale for Secondary School Students” (ESSSS). They were subjected to correlation and regression analyses via SPSS 22 statistical analysis program. Through the analysis, the study found a high relationship between middle school students’ innovative self-efficacy and self-awareness. It was also determined that innovative self-efficacy, openness to innovation, innovative problem solving, innovative perseverance, and innovative group leadership predicted the middle school students’ entrepreneurial skill levels at significant, positive, and moderate levels. Based on the results, it is recommended to create teaching content and organize teaching activities in which entrepreneurial skill and innovative thinking skill are covered together and aimed to be developed.


Middle School Students, Entrepreneurial Skill, Innovative Thinking Tendency

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