An Investigation into the Relationship between Secondary School Students’ Self-Learning Using Technology and Test Anxiety

Hatice Gülmez Güngörmez


This study aims to investigate the relationship between secondary school students’ self-learning with technology and test anxiety. The study was conducted using a correlational survey model. The participants of this study are made up of 128 students of 7th and 8th grade, studying in three secondary schools in Adıyaman province of Turkey in the spring semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. “The Self-Directed Learning with Technology Scale for Young Students” adapted to Turkish by Demir and Yurdugül (2013) and “Test Anxiety Inventory” adapted to Turkish by Öner (1990) were used for collecting the data. Independent groups t-test and Pearson Correlation test were used to analyze the data. The analyses showed no significant difference between self-learning of secondary school students using technology regarding their gender and grade. However, there was a significant relationship between the students’ grades and their test anxiety. The “test anxiety inventory” consisted of two subscales, “delusion” and “affectivity”. There was a significant difference between students’ delusion and affectivity subscales. In this consideration, the 8th graders had a higher test anxiety than the 7th grader’. The Pearson correlation indicated that there was a positive and significant correlation between self-learning using technology and test anxiety of the secondary school students (p<.01).


Technology, Test Anxiety, Self-learning, Science Education

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