Lower Secondary Students’ Arabic Speaking Anxiety: A Foreign Language Literacy Perspective

Mohd Ieruwan Mohamed Mokhtar


Speaking in a foreign language classroom can be extremely anxiety-provoking for some students. There are many studies on foreign language anxiety (FLA). The studies show that anxiety influences achievement and performance in speaking. However, most of the previous studies have investigated FLA in English-speaking contexts. Hence, this study aims to investigate speaking anxiety among Arabic Language learners in secondary schools from the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The students (n=40) were selected following the random sampling method. The established questionnaire of Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) developed by Horwitz et al. (1986) was used for collecting the data. This questionnaire consists of four factors namely test anxiety, communication apprehension, anxiety in the classroom and fear of negative evaluation. The researcher followed descriptive statistical methods including means and standard deviation values to address the research questions. The study shows that the process of learning the Arabic Language has significant impact on students in learning a foreign language, especially in daily secondary schools. The findings show several concerns exist among the students while speaking Arabic in the classroom. The results can help Arabic Language teachers to understand students’ anxiety in the process of teaching the language in the daily/non-boarding secondary schools which will contribute to literacy of Arabic Language at large.


Anxiety, Language Anxiety, Communication Anxiety, Arabic Speaking Skill

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