Using Prezi Online Software to Improve Teaching Listening Skill

Linda Aruan, Risnovita Sari, Ahmad Bengar Harahap


Mastering the listening skill is considered to be difficult by L2 learners because lack of practice opportunities and impracticality of text-books for enhancing the listening skill. One of the relatively recent methods in teaching the listening skill is using the teaching media. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a different method, use of Prezi online software as a learning-teaching material to improve the listening skill of the students in a German language department in Indonesia. This mixed-methods study last for six months and employed 26 participants. This study used the theory by Richey and Klein (2009) which explains that there are three stages in the teaching material development model; namely design, production, and evaluation. In the design phase, the students’ needs for listening learning were identified. The need which stood out was the need for more attractive teaching media. Next, in the production stage, a product was created based on the students’ needs. At this stage, learning media with Prezi online software were developed. In the last phase, the specifications of the product were evaluated. The results of the study showed that Prezi online software was well-accepted and very well-applied by the students. The students preferred this method to books. Moreover, it was observed that using this method improves the students’ listening skill who study the German language. Pedagogical implications are discussed.


Development of Teaching Materials, Listening Skills, German Language Study Programs, Online Software Prize

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