The Mediating Role of School Engagement in the Relationship between Attitude toward Learning and Academic Achievement

M. Yüksel Erdoğdu


The aim of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of school engagement in the relationship between attitude toward learning and academic achievement. The study was carried out on 438 high school students. The Scale of Attitudes Toward Learning and the School Engagement Scale were applied to the participants, and students’ academic achievement scores were obtained from the school administration. In the study, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and the ordinary least squares regression-based approach and Bootstrap method were used to determine the effects of the mediation model. According to the research findings, a relationship between attitude toward learning, academic achievement, and school engagement was found. It was determined that school engagement plays a partial mediating role in the relationship between attitude toward learning and academic achievement. The results revealed the importance of school engagement in improving students’ attitude toward learning and academic achievement, and it was recommended to discuss and interpret the results.


Academic Achievement, School Engagement, Attitude Toward Learning

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