Factors Affecting Iranian TEFL Postgraduate Candidates’ Research Productivity: A Qualitative Study

Reihanne Yousefi, Abdorreza Tahriri, Maryam Danaye Tous


Developing research performance has become an important theme in Iranian higher educational institutions as other national and international academic institutions across the world. However, the research performance of Iranian Teaching English as a Foreign Language postgraduate candidates has been argued to be limited. In order to increase their research productivity and develop their capacity in this regard, the first critical step is to understand the influences which are associated with their academic research performance. This qualitative study focuses on a group of TEFL postgraduate candidates from five major Iranian universities with the purpose of investigating the motivational influences in conducting research, their perception of research value, and their understanding of research environment which is required for research productivity. Interviews were conducted with 20 candidates from the sample universities. It was revealed that the research related activities and efforts of the participants were driven by both external and internal needs and motivations. A multi-dimensional value was accorded to research; however, the academic research environment and requirements were the subject of various concerns. The results of this study offer several future implications for departmental and institutional research administrators to further support TEFL postgraduate candidates’ research development.


Research Productivity, Influences, Iranian TEFL Postgraduate Candidates

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.7n.2p.65


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