Inquiry-based Integrated Thematic Instruction On Character Education Of Primary School Students

- Chumdari, Sri Anitah, - Budiyono, Nunuk Suryani


This study aimed at investigating the differences between the yields of inquiry-based integrated thematic instruction and thematic instruction model on the character education of primary school students. The population was 253 elementary schools and 63,433 students in Surakarta City, Central Java, Indonesia. Samples were obtained through multistage cluster random sampling, which were then divided into experimental group (four classes, 129 students) and control group (four classes, 139 students). The Randomized Static Group Comparison Design was employed as the design of experiment. Data collection methods were interview, observation, questionnaire, and documentation. The instruments were validated by content validity and construct validity. Test for normality and homogeneity of data used Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Levene Test. Data were analyzed using Mann-Whitney U Test. The result showed that students in the inquiry-based integrated thematic group obtain better score (3.48) than those in the thematic group (3.28). Moreover, the mean rank of the first group (176.07) was also significantly higher than that of the second group (95.92) (Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed). 000<.05). In overall, inquiry-based integrated thematic instruction has more significant and positive contribution on the character education of primary school students in compared with the thematic instruction model.


Thematic Instruction Model, Inquiry-based Integrated Thematic Instruction, Character Values

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