An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the Common Core Standards Program in the State of South Dakota
This interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) study investigated and interpreted the Common Core State Standards program (the phenomenon) that has been the dominating topic of discussions amongst educators all across the country since the inauguration of the program in 2014/2015 school session. Common Core State Standards (CCSS) was a program that 48 states, two U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia (DC) established in 2009 to improve the educational standards of schools in their respective states and territories. The objective of this research project was to assess and gauge the impact of the program vis-à-vis how it has impacted the ‘lived experiences’ of the educators in the country, specifically, in the state of South Dakota. South Dakota, though a very small state relative to other larger and economically stronger states, has truly engaged and provided resources to her educators for training and other needed infrastructures to help with the implementation of the program. Stories have been flying around the country about how the program has disrupted the flow of ‘teaching and learning’ in the American classrooms; however, the educators interviewed in this study did not believe that was the case, at least, not in their respective schools. These educators, who also happened to be principals and assistant principals of the schools under investigation, spoke highly of the potential of the program, especially the resources and engagement that the state of South Dakota has provided for its successful application and implementation.
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