The Relationship between Iranian ESP Learners’ Translation Ability and Resilience in Reading Comprehension
The present study was an attempt to investigate the relationship between Iranian ESP Learners’ translation ability and resilience in reading comprehension. More specifically, the study aimed to study the resilience cognitive and meta-cognitive effect on raising L2 reading comprehension through translation. Secondly, the study aimed at pursuing the views and attitudes to find out the extent to which resilience in reading comprehension can predict ESP learners’ translation ability. In order to test the null hypotheses, three phases were taken into consideration. First, 120 female adult sophomores majoring at Iran University of Medical Sciences were chosen through a homogeneity test. Second, the participants’ translation ability was measured through a translation task and also the validity of this instrument was confirmed by the three professors of the university, and the translation Toolkit Evaluation of UTAH University was used to evaluate the translated works. Next, the participants' reading comprehension ability was determined and finally, Connor and Davidson’s (2003) resilience scale was used to find out the level of resilience in reading comprehension of ESP students. The results of data analyses firstly revealed that there was a statistically significant relationship between Iranian ESP learners’ translation ability and their resilience in reading comprehension. Secondly, it was revealed that there was a significant positive relationship between Iranian ESP learners’ translation ability and their reading comprehension. The findings of the present study could have implications for EFL teachers and learners in the Iranian context.
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