The Adequacy of Environmental Education Techniques and Strategies Employed in Uluguru Mountains Hotspot
Various studies about the environment consider different factors as sources of environmental deterioration. Such studies have not paid much attention on education as the remedy for environmental sustainability. Other studies have rarely considered environmental education approaches as the reason for lack of success in environmental education arrangements. This research had a focus on the adequacy of environmental education approaches, techniques and strategies employed in Uluguru Mountains in Morogoro. Social constructivist theory by Vigortsky (1958) was employed while case study research design and qualitative approach were deemed important for this research. Data collection was done by using interview and Focus Group Discussion methods. Objectives of the research were to: investigate adequacy of Environmental Education content, methods, awareness as well as the use of indigenous environmental knowledge. The findings show that, environmental education methods implemented in Uluguru Mountains are not satisfactory enough to improve environmental conditions. Again, indigenous knowledge has been less integrated into Environmental Education. Different environmental education methods need to be improved and integrated to create sustainable learning outcomes within Environmental Education.
Keywords: Adequacy, Environmental Education, Approaches, Strategies, hotspot
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