Impact of Educational Attainment on Marital Stability among Married Persons in Imo State, Nigeria
It has been revealed that recently there appear to be a kind of downward trend in marriage patronage in our society. The trend is prevalent in both western and non-western culture. Also, in the recent decade there seems to be a cut down in the interest of young people willing to go into marriage. This is as a result of the dwindling credibility that people attach to marriage and the retreat of men and women from getting married or patronizing marriage in our society today which seems to be a concomitant effect of the numerous crises bedeviling the marriage institution chief among which is marital instability. Unfortunately, not much is being done to redress this issue and since a stable marriage gives birth to a stable society and a stable nation, the primary aim of this study therefore was to determine the impact of educational attainment on marital stability among married persons in Imo State. The study adopted a casual comparative design. Eight hundred and three (803) married persons were selected through simple random sampling for the study. The study made use of questionnaire for the collection of data. Two research questions guided the study. Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient and independent T-test analysis were used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that there was a positive relationship between married persons’ low and high levels of educational attainment and marital stability while there was no significant relationship between those with medium level of educational attainment and their marital stability. Based on the findings, it was recommended that those involved and engaged in the marriage molding institution should organize seminars, workshops and conferences to educate intending couples with regard to choosing partners based on the couples’ educational attainment.
Keywords: Impact, educational attainment, marital stability, married persons and Imo State
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