The Role of Self-assessment Guide on Improving Iranian EFL Learners’ Writing: The Portfolio Approach

Farnaz Sahebkheir


Writing skill is one of the most difficult skills to be taught. Teachers try to find new ways to teach it especially via student-centered approaches. Self-assessment portfolio can be one of these learner-centered methods for improving learners writing skill. This study aims to investigate the effect of self-assessment portfolio on Iranian EFL students’ writing production. Two groups were selected through a KET test and they were randomly assigned as a control and an experimental group. The experimental group had to use a self-assessment guide and completed their writing tasks. They reflected and critically analyzed their own writing using the Self-assessment Guide. While the control group did not receive the self-assessment guide and they just received teacher written error correction for their writing tasks. They either did not analyze their written product critically. The experimental group outperformed the control group and the differences were statistically significant. Students in the experimental group engaged in constant critical thinking and developed a strong sense of responsibility for their learning. It can be concluded that teachers should engage their students in self-assessment portfolio to encourage more critical thinking and self-regulation.


EFL, Critical Thinking, Portfolio, Self-assessment, Writing

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