- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Publisher and the Journal Ethics Statement
- Abstracting & Indexing
Focus and Scope
IJALEL is a leading international, open-access scholarly journal dedicated to advancing our understanding of various aspects of language, linguistics, applied linguistics, and English literature. The journal aims to foster multidisciplinary research that generates practical applications and contributes to a better understanding of language and literature in today's world. We welcome contributions from scholars and researchers working within any theoretical or applied approach, and our publication includes articles, reviews, commentaries, and communications, with no restrictions on submission length. All submissions must be in English.
IJALEL publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes, and book reviews in the fields of:
- Language Teaching and Literacy Practices
Bilingualism, Computer-assisted language learning/teaching, Curriculum innovation and evaluation, English for Specific/Academic Purposes, Materials development, Multiliteracies, Syllabus Design, Teaching Methodologies in Language Classrooms, The use of Technology in Language learning and Teaching, Using English Literature for the Teaching of English
- Testing and Evaluation in Language Learning
Assessment in second/foreign language teaching and learning, Assessment in a Technology-Enabled Language Learning Class, Current Issues, Problems and Testing Methods in Language Learning, Evaluation for Language Learning in Multilingual and Multicultural Context, Language Policy and Assessment in Language Learning and Teaching
- Linguistics
Phonetics and Phonology, Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics, Conversation analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis, World Englishes, Corpus Linguistics, Computational Linguistics
- Translation and Interpretation
Interpreting Studies, Translation in Literature, Translation Studies, Translation Studies, Translation and Globalizations
- Language and Culture
Cross-Cultural Communication, Intercultural Communication, Language Teaching and Cultural Communication, Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Environments, Cultural Heritage and Hybridisation, Gender Studies
- Literature
Contemporary literature, Comparative literature , Interdisciplinary Approaches in Literature, Literary criticism, Literature and history, Literature and Media, Literature and other arts, Medieval and Renaissance literature, Poetry and prose, World languages & literature
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
JALEL uses double-blind system: the reviewers' identities remain anonymous to authors, while the reviewers can see authors' identities. The paper will be peer-reviewed by three experts; one is chief editor and the other two are internal editors and external reviewers.
Peer Review / Responsibility for the Reviewers
As an editor or a reviewer you are requested to find out about the originality of the manuscript you are urged to review. Therefore, it is recommended that you also see the Author Guidelines and Polices page to see which points authors should take into consideration prior to submission of their papers for the publication.
Although reviewed articles are treated confidentially, reviewers’ judgments should be objective. Reviewers should have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research funders, and reviewers should point out relevant published work which is not yet cited.
Editorial Responsibilities
Editors have complete responsibility and authority to reject/accept an article. Editors should have no conflict of interest with respect to articles they reject/accept, only accept a paper when reasonably certain, when errors are found, promote publication of correction or retraction, and preserve anonymity of reviewers.
Review Guidelines
This journal highly appreciates their kind support by agreeing to review an article for our journal. Before they consent to evaluate any paper, the reviewers are requested to consider a number of points. First, if the paper is not in your area of research interest and expertise, please inform the editor and feel free to refuse to review it. Second, if you have no free time to evaluate the paper before the deadline, kindly inform the editor. Third, in case of any conflicts of interest, the reviewer’s acknowledgement can be very useful in our final decision. Therefore, if by any chance you have read the paper before or happen to know the authors, please inform the editor about this.
Kindly make sure you review the paper confidentially. Please avoid contacting the authors. In addition, should you feel the need to ask a third party for their comments, please make sure to inform the managing editor in advance.
Before they are sent to reviewers, all papers are previewed by our editor(s)-in-chief. The papers are also checked for their originality using the turn-it-in/ithenticate software. However to our experience, there have been cases of plagiarism which the software has failed to detect. If you doubt the originality of any part(s) of the work you are reviewing, please inform the editor. In addition, if you suspect the accuracy or truth of any part(s) of the work under review, make sure to inform the editor about it.
The reviewer's report should provide a thorough critique of the submission, going beyond a few brief sentences. While this journal does not require a specific structure for the report, it is suggested that reviewers consider using the following format to ensure a comprehensive review:
- Summary of the work and its significance
- Evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the methodology
- Assessment of the validity of the findings and conclusions
- Suggestions for further improvement
- Any other comments or concerns that may be relevant
By following this format, reviewers can provide authors with valuable feedback and help ensure the quality of published work in the journal. Our journal strongly encourages reviewers to provide constructive feedback to authors, aiming to assist them in improving their manuscript. Reviewers should offer insightful analysis, especially when suggesting revisions. Any comments that reviewers prefer to remain confidential can be included in the confidential comments section addressed to the Managing Editor. By providing constructive criticism, reviewers can help authors enhance their work and ensure that their submission meets the high standards of our journal. We appreciate the dedication of our reviewers to the peer-review process, as they play a critical role in advancing scientific research. While expectations vary by discipline, some core aspects that should be critiqued by reviewers may include:
- Are the research questions valid?
- Is the sample size sufficient?
- Is there necessary ethical approval and/or consent and was the research ethical?
- Are the methods and study design appropriate for answering the research question?
- Do the experiments have appropriate controls?
- Is the reporting of the methods, including any equipment and materials, sufficiently detailed that the research might be reproduced?
- Are any statistical tests used appropriate and correctly reported?
- Are the figures and tables clear and do they accurately represent the results?
- Has previous research by the authors and others been discussed and have those results been compared to the current results?
- Are there any inappropriate citations, for example, not supporting the claim being made or too many citations to the authors' own articles?
- Do the results support the conclusions?
- Are limitations of the research acknowledged?
- Is the abstract an accurate summary of the research and results, without spin?
- Is the language clear and understandable?
To help authors receive timely reviews, reviewer reports should be submitted via email on or before the agreed deadline. Reviewers should contact the journal if they are unable to meet the deadline so an alternative date can be arranged.
We encourage reviewers to focus their reports on objectively critiquing the scientific aspects of the submission, including the soundness of the methodology and whether the conclusions can be supported by the results. At the end of their review, we ask reviewers to recommend one of the following actions:
- Accept as it is
- Accept with some minor or major corrections
- Revise and resubmit
- Reject
However, it is important to note that the overall decision will be made by the journal Editor-in-Chief.
The journal corresponds with its reviewers only through email; therefore, you are requested to email your report and in-text comments (if any) to the managing editor.
Accepted papers are proofread before they are published, and the reviewers are by no means obliged to correct or mark language errors or typos. However, if the reviewers detect such cases, they are most welcome to highlight them.
- From Submission to Publication Process

Reviewers Recommendation
Authors can recommend potential reviewers. Journal editors will check to make sure there are no conflicts of interest before contacting those reviewers, and will not consider those with competing interests. Reviewers are asked to declare any conflicts of interest. Authors can also enter the names of potential peer reviewers they wish to exclude from consideration in the peer review of their manuscript, during the initial submission progress. The editorial team will respect these requests so long as this does not interfere with the objective and thorough assessment of the submission.
The Managing Editor is not involved in editorials decisions.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Apart from this journal’s interface, the journal also utilizes LOCKSS system, the National Library of Australia, and Academia.edu to distribute and archive the journal contents among participating libraries, authors, and readers and permits them to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.
In addition, authors are allowed and suggested to archive the final published version of their articles in any open access repositories.
Publisher and the Journal Ethics Statement
As a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), IJALEL is committed to upholding rigorous peer-review standards and strict ethical policies. Our mission is to publish high-quality scientific works that make significant contributions to the field of scholarly publication. Unfortunately, issues such as plagiarism, data falsification, and inappropriate authorship credit can arise in scholarly publishing. At IJALEL, we take such ethical concerns very seriously, and our editors are trained to handle such cases with a zero-tolerance policy. To ensure the originality of submitted content, we use iThenticate to check submissions against previous publications. We believe that this approach helps maintain the integrity of the academic publishing process and uphold the highest standards of ethics and quality.
Abstracting & Indexing
IJALEL is a member of
The journal has been indexed and abstracted in
- Academic Journals Database
- Advanced Sciences Index
- Aussie Educator
- CiteFactor
- Cornel University Library
- CrossCheck
- Gale
- getCITED
- informatics
- Internet Archive
- Journalseek
- Linguistlist
- New Jour
- openaccessarticles.com
- Open Access Library
- Open J-gate
- Road
- Rubrig
- Revistas Científicas Electrónicas
- Scientific Commons
- Scirus
- The Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek EZB
- The MLA International Bibliography
- Türk Eğitim İndeksi
- Ulrichs
- WorldCat
- WZB Berlin Social Science Center
The journal editors and the publisher are doing their best for this journal to be included in the abstracting and indexing databases; however, for the journal to be or to remain indexed in any indexing body is definitely beyond their control. All the journal editors can do is to ensure the papers published are of high quality and all the publisher can do is recommending the journal to the indexing and abstracting bodies as well as controlling the quality of its published material, but they have no power to decide where/whether/when a published paper is indexed, and all authors are expected to be aware of this matter.