The Effect of Using Blackboard on English Majors’ Writing Proficiency and Attitudes

Mohamed Ali Mohamed Kassem


This article reports the findings of a case study on the implementation of Blackboard Learning Management System in the Department of English, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. The study aims at exploring the effects of using Blackboard, an interactive computer-mediated learning environment, on English majors’ writing proficiency and examining their attitudes towards the use of Blackboard. Three indicators were used, namely, accuracy, fluency and complexity to estimate students’ writing proficiency. The Profile of Larsen-Freeman (2006) was employed to assess students’ writing proficiency. Students’ attitudes were measured through a questionnaire that is divided into three domains: (a) demographic and personal information, (b) implementation strategies of Blackboard and (c) students’ attitudes towards Blackboard. Results of the study revealed a significant positive effect of using Blackboard on developing English majors’ writing proficiency. In addition, students showed a positive attitude towards the use of Blackboard.


Blackboard, Writing Proficiency, Attitudes, English Majors

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