Field Variable and Experiential Meaning in Flora Nwapa’s One Is Enough

Servais D. Y. Dadjo


This paper deals with Field Variable and Experiential Meaning in Flora Nwapa’s One Is Enough. The theory that underpins this study is systemic functional linguistics, which is one of the approaches proposed by scholars such as linguists M.A.K Halliday, S. Eggins, J. R. Martin, R. Fowler, J. D. Benson to mention but a very few, for the study of language and its function(s). In this system, the study of language involves three functional labels: experiential, interpersonal and textual meanings. The study of these different functional labels helps to have a deeper understanding of a text. This study aims at describing and analysing linguistic features which connote experiential meaning in One Is Enough so as to uncover the deep messages conveyed through the novel and provide a new interpretation of it. Both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used in this study. Thus, two extracts have been selected from One Is Enough and systemic functional linguistic theories have been applied to each of them. The linguistic description and analysis of One Is Enough has revealed that women are the most active, talkative and most mentally involved in the different issues discussed in the selected Texts. The results also indicate to what extent children are important in African families. The discussion and interpretation of these results has enabled the researcher to contend that the deep messages conveyed through One Is Enough mainly concern the importance of children and consequences of childlessness in African societies.


Metafunctions, Register Variables, Systemic Functional Linguistics, Transitivity Patterns

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