An Ontological Vindication of Darl’s Existential Authenticity from a Heideggerian Point of View
Many existential theorists have discussed the contrasts between the notions of authentic and inauthentic lives, among whom Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) is very influential. The present paper aims at proving William Faulkner’s (1897-1962) main character, Darl, in his novel, As I Lay Dying (1930), authentic from a Heideggerian point of view. Once the theoretical grounds are laid in detail, the analysis begins with focusing on the individual character, goes on by ontologically individualizing him, and finally proves his existential nonconformity with emphasis on the affective side of his Being rather than its rational side. After unveiling his nonconformity, it will be revealed that this nonconformity is unique to him, and this fact is among the factors making him authentic from a Heideggerian point of view; for what Heidegger calls authentic existence is achieved only when a means is discovered to rescue the individual from doing “as One does” to doing as he chooses to do himself. Freedom and responsibility, which are expanded upon, are the means by which Darl proves himself authentic.
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