Cultural Heritage Conservation of Guild Hall Building in Southern Shaanxi, China

Xiuchun Li, Thitisak Wechkama


The aims of this research are (i) to explore the value of integrating Guild Hall Building Culture in Southern Shaanxi into local university and (ii) to determine the strategies for integrating Guild Hall Building Culture in Southern Shaanxi into local university. This research is a qualitative study that uses tools such as document analysis, interviews, surveys, and focus group discussions to collect research data. From the perspective of cultural heritage conservation and cultural literacy education, the interaction and internal logic between the conservation of Guild Hall Building heritage and its inheritance in college education are analyzed. The value and strategy of integrating the Guild Hall Building’s architectural culture into the local colleges and universities will be explored in order to promote the dynamic, diversified conservation and inheritance of the Guild Hall Building’s architectural culture. The results of the study are presented in the form of a descriptive analysis. The results of the study show that Guild Hall Buildings in southern Shaanxi have rich cultural connotations and educational value. Integrating Guild Hall Building culture into college literacy education is an important way to protect and pass on architectural cultural heritage. It is not only an important and effective way to improve students’ cultural literacy and critical thinking, but also to strengthen students’ cultural identity and social responsibility. This study highlights the important role of education in heritage conservation by exploring the key issues intertwined between the conservation of Guild Hall Buildings in southern Shaanxi and literacy education. Additionally it lays a foundation for further research and practical application in the fields of heritage conservation and literacy education, and provides new insights and ideas for promoting long-term public participation in heritage conservation.


Cultural Heritage Conservation, Literacy Education, Guild Hall Building In Southern Shaanxi, Cultural Identity

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