Guidelines for Literacy Transmission and Preservation of Bayu Folk Songs

Yonghong Gong, Phakamas Jirajarupat, Yinghua Zhang


Bayu folk songs, integral to the cultural heritage of Southwest China, face challenges in transmission and preservation amidst rapid social and technological changes. This study aims to investigate and propose guidelines for literacy transmission and preservation of Bayu folk songs. Drawing upon ethnomusicological research and the intersection of education and cultural preservation, the study explores the cultural significance, diversity, integration, and challenges in transmitting Bayu folk songs. Methodologically, 14 key informants were selected from the Chongqing, Guizhou, and Hunan regions, including inheritors of folk songs, local villagers, leaders of cultural centers, and relevant experts. Data were gathered through interviews and observation forms and analyzed using thematic analysis. Results highlight the profound cultural significance of Bayu folk songs, the rich diversity and integration within Bayu culture, and the challenges in transmission within educational settings. The study suggests developing standardized guidelines, curriculum frameworks, and capacity-building initiatives to ensure the successful transmission and preservation of Bayu folk songs within educational contexts, enriching students’ learning experiences and promoting cultural heritage preservation.


Bayu Folk Songs, Cultural Heritage, Education, Transmission, Preservation

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