Guidelines for Promoting Literacy Transmission and Education of Rongshui Han Folk Songs in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China

Wang Shun, Pitsanu Boonsrianun


Rongshui Han folk songs, symbolic of Liuzhou’s ethnic culture, hold significant cultural value in transmitting history and traditions. However, contemporary scholars have limited attention, requiring further exploration and research. The objective of this study was to propose guidelines for promoting literacy transmission and education through Rongshui Han folk songs in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. This is a qualitative study that includes relevant literature research, surveys, interviews, and transcriptions. This information is drawn from the research of two scholar informants and four informal informants. Analyze data from Rongshui Han, Miao, and Zhuang folk songs, focusing on their cultural significance and historical context. The result of this study shows that the government plays a crucial role in promoting and safeguarding Rongshui Han folk songs for literacy transmission education. Emphasizing their unique attributes and leveraging their inherent advantages is essential. Nurturing younger generations and investing in training initiatives are crucial. Online media platforms can further broaden the dissemination of Rongshui Han folk songs for the preservation and propagation of this intangible cultural heritage. Increase awareness and understanding of local ethnic culture while engaging youth in cultural preservation and transmitting folk song traditions.


Ronghui Han Folk Song, Literacy Transmission, Transmission Process, Guangxi, China

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