Preserving Literacy and Education of Dong Pipa Cultural Heritage in Guizhou Province, China

Lingzhen Duan, Sarawut Choatchamrat


Dong Pipa is a traditional string widely used in the daily life and folk music of the Dong people of Guizhou, Hunan, Guangxi, and other parts of China. The study’s objectives are to explore Dong Pipa literacy and education in the context of preserving Dong Pipa cultural heritage in Guizhou Province, China. Through the study of the site and the current research, the research shows that the Dong Pipa has become a musical instrument throughout the Dong community due to its simple structure and many relationships, such as entertainment, relationships, and lifestyle. The traditional music that Dong Pipa represents, however, is having significant issues due to the influence of global culture and a modern lifestyle. To meet this challenge, relevant government departments should increase the promotion of Dong Pipa culture to promote the interests of the Dong people, and schools should improve the outcomes of Dong Pipa education and heritage. Cultural institutions should organize more Dong Pipa performances and competitions to encourage Dong people to learn and preserve Dong cultural heritage. These efforts will help ensure Dong Pipa survives and thrives in today’s society.


Dong Pipa, Dong Ethnic Group, Traditional String Instruments, Guizhou Province, China

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