Effects of Story Map Method on Listening and Reading Comprehension of 1st Grade Elementary School Students

Fatma Beyhatın, Olcay Özdemir


The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the story map on elementary school first-grade students’ listening and reading comprehension levels and their attitudes towards reading in literacy teaching process. It was conducted on 69 students studying in the first-grade in an elementary school in the Western Black Sea region and assigned by matching. In the research, “Quasi-experimental Design”, one of the quantitative research methods, was used. During the data collection process, the Reading Attitude Scale with “Garfield Picture” for 1-6th-Grade Students to Turkish was implemented in the experimental and control groups as a pretest and post-test. While the story map was implemented in the lessons in the experimental group, the implementation process was completed by teaching the lesson without any implementation in the control group. The texts in which listening and reading comprehension questions were implemented included 26 narrative texts in the elementary school 1st-grade Turkish book. The data collected with the “Listening and Reading Comprehension Achievement Test” and Reading Attitude Scale with “Garfield “Picture for 1-6th-Grade Students to Turkish implemented after the experimental procedure were evaluated with the SPSS 20 statistical software. At the end of the study, it was concluded that the experimental group, in which the story map was implemented before the listening and reading comprehension questions, was more successful in comprehension than the control group. When the effects of the story map on the attitude towards listening and reading comprehension were examined, a positive improvement was found in listening and reading comprehension in the experimental group.


Listening Comprehension, Reading Comprehension, Story Map

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.11n.3p.136


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