Publications on Germanistics in the Scopus Database: A Science Mapping Study

Ayhan Yavuz Özdemir


It is aimed to reveal the current state in the field of Germanistics on a global scale in this study. In this direction, the Scopus database was searched for the publications in the field of Germanistics, and the publications related to the relevant literature between the years 2018-2022 were examined with bibliometric analysis. The vast majority of the publications included in the scope of the study are in the article type, and their language is mostly English. The data obtained were visualized with science mapping, which is one of the bibliometric analysis techniques. The VOSviewer program was employed for this. Among the science maps created using this program, there are network maps of the most productive country, keyword co-occurrence analysis, bibliographic coupling analyses of institutions and countries, author and reference co-citation analyses, and co-authorship analysis of countries. The maps were presented in the study’s findings section, and the bibliometric information and relationships in each of these maps were assessed separately.


Germanistics, Bibliometric Analysis, Science Mapping, VOSviewer, Scopus Database

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