Understanding the Collocation Issues and Problems in Turkish Language

N. Tayyibe Ateş


Collocations make it possible to use and understand the language in an effective way. In this context, understanding collocation issues is important for both native speakers and language learners. This study aims at revealing certain determinations and problems with regard to the classification of word combinations in Turkish. For this purpose, descriptive analysis, content analysis, and category and frequency analyses have been employed herein. The sample of the study is composed of narrative (tale, story, and novel) texts selected through the cluster sampling method according to the level of 5th-8th grade students. Linguistic input of (+/-) 624,089 words has been entered into the research corpus as a result of the process involving the import of the texts into the electronic environment via a scanner, their digitization through conversion to text format, and their coding to be processed in Turkish language (ISO). The study involves the individual evaluation of word combinations in terms of their syntactic, semantic and pragmatic aspects. Then, the classification of these combinations has been applied as semi-restricted collocations, restricted collocations, figurative idioms, and pure idioms in terms of semantics, according to their structure whether it is syntactic dual or multiple. Generally, the semantic order of word combinations in narrative texts has been found to be as follows: Free combinations > semi-restricted collocations > restricted collocations > figurative idioms > pure idioms. The findings obtained reveal certain problems specific to the Turkish language with regard to the detection of word combinations, especially collocations, via programs. The study contributes to the literature as descriptions of word combinations in Turkish. More importantly it is thought that it will contribute to the development of literacy skills of students both in mother tongue education and foreign language learning.


Collocation, Word Combinations, Co-occurrence, Turkish Education, Literacy

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