LanguageEffect of Mind Mapping Technique on Learning Success in Teaching Substantive Verbs in Turkish Language Education

Semih Topal, Musa Çifci


In the current study, the effect of mind map technique on the teaching success of substantive verbs is researched. To this end, pretest, post-test paired control group design was used. The study group of the study consisted of 48 students in 7/A and 7/B classes in a secondary school affiliatedto the Directorate of National Education in the Province of Balıkesir. In the research, a pretest was applied to evaluate the level of knowledge on the acquisition of “S/he uses substantive verbs in accordance with their functions”. Following the pretest application, mind map technique regarding the above- mentioned acquisitions in line with daily plans was administered in the experimental group; however, four weeks of practice was applied through the activities in the textbook using the lecturing method and, then, post-test was administered to determine the learning level. After 21 days from the post-test, permanence test was applied. Based on the research findings,to what extent the above- mentioned technique contributed to the teaching of substantive verbs was intended to be revealed. Mann- Whitney U Test was utilized to analyse the pretest scores of experimental and control groups; Dependent Variables T Test to analyse pretest, post-test scores of experimental group and Wilcoxon Signed- Rank Test to analyse the difference between pretest and post-test scores of the control group. Furthermore, Mann- Whitney U Test was used to analyse the difference between post-test scores of the experimental and control groups; dependent Variables T Test to analyse the post-test scores of experimental group and permanency test scores and Wilcoxon Signed- Rank Test to analyse the post-test scores of the control group and permanency test scores. The results showed that the use of mind map technique contributed to the student achievement, learning permanence, and the teaching of substantive verbs. It has been thought that the inclusion of this technique in the lessons by Turkish language teachers will increase the success of the course and the learning permanence. From a wider perspective, it will contribute positively to student’s literacy skills.


Mind Map, Grammar, Substantive Verb, The Teaching of Turkish LanguageEffect

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