The Relationship between the Digital Literacy Levels of Turkish Language Teacher Candidates and Their Attitudes Towards Digital Writing

Murat Şengül, Ahmet Demirel


The purpose of this study is to explore the levels of digital literacy among Turkish teacher candidates as well as their attitudes about digital writing, and to investigate the relationship between these variables. The survey model is used in this study using a quantitative research approach. The sample of the research consists of 556 Turkish language teacher candidates studying at 18 different public universities in Turkey in the fall of the 2021-2022 academic years. In this study, personal information form, Digital Literacy Scale, and Attitude Scale for Digital Writing (DWS) are employed as data collection tools. The data are analyzed using correlation and regression analysis test. The research findings show that the digital literacy levels of Turkish language teacher candidates and their attitudes towards digital writing are moderate. These findings disclose a necessity to improve both the digital literacy of Turkish teacher candidates and their attitudes towards digital writing. Additionally, the results generally reveal a favorable and significant correlation between the participants’ attitudes regarding digital writing and their degrees of digital literacy. The findings of the present study are examined in the light of the literature, and different recommendations are developed.


Writing, Digital Literacy, Digital Writing, Turkish Language Teacher Candidates

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