Metaphorical Perceptions of Generation Z Music Education Students on the Concept of their Ideal Music Teacher

Özlem Ömür


This research aims to reveal the perceptions of Generation Z music education students regarding the concept of music teachers in their ideals, through metaphors. The research was conducted with 92 Generation Z students studying in the music education departments of different universities in Turkey. The data was collected by having the students complete the sentence, “My ideal music teacher is like…because…”. The answers given were subjected to content analysis and the metaphors that the students produced for the concept were determined. Students produced 50 valid metaphors. These metaphors were grouped under five different categories. The categories determined in line with the metaphors produced by Generation Z music education students were listed from the most given metaphors to the least. As a result of the ranking, it was revealed that the students perceived their ideal music teacher as enlightening-directing and guiding, helpful and informative, loving-nurturing and supportive, necessary and reassuring, and a source of change and happiness. In line with the findings, it was concluded that Generation Z music education students idealized a music teacher who would enlighten and guide them rather than a teacher who conveyed information.


Metaphor, Generation Z, Music Education, Music Teacher

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