Functionality of Literacy and Numeracy in First Cycle Primary School: A Look in to the Curriculum and Instructional Process

Sisay Awgichew


This article examines the functionality of literacy and numeracy in Addis Ababa city administration. Case study research design was employed and data were collected from 8 actual teachers via interview. Besides, classroom observation and content analysis were employed. The finding revealed that on average 65(59.88%) of mathematics students’ textbook had at least one picture or symbol. Also, 182(44.86%) of activities, examples and question incorporated in the textbooks related with the life of the students. On the other hand, on average 60 (43.02%) of English textbook incorporated at least one picture or symbol. The finding also revealed that 272 (64.61%) of activities and examples, and 19 (63.0%) of stories, poems, songs, and passages included in the English textbooks related with the life of the students. The functionality of the textbooks was average but the instructional methods require improvement.


Functionality, Literacy, Numeracy, Curriculum, Instructional Process

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