EFL Learners’ Perceptions Regarding Peer-Collaboration and Communication in Face-to-Face and Online Classes

Mehmet Saraç, Mehmet Doğan


The study aims to reveal the perceptions of EFL learners regarding peer collaboration and communication in online and face-to-face classes. Online classes were already on the agenda of many educational institutions with the growing interest in utilising various digital platforms; however, with the COVID-19 epidemic, the process accelerated and offering online classes became an urgent necessity for schools and universities. This radical and sudden change presents both opportunities and challenges for universities and students. One of the challenges is fostering the foreign language literacy of the learners and pursuing effective communication and collaboration among students in online classes. The study adopted a qualitative research design with the aim of exploring the phenomenon from the inside out. The students in the participant group are actively learning English at a state university in hybrid education conditions. As the participating students are exposed to both face-to-face and online teaching practices simultaneously, they are expected to have the ability to compare the two types of instruction in terms of peer communication and collaboration. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to reveal the perceptions of the EFL learners, and the qualitative data were analysed by utilising the content analysis procedures. The analysis of the qualitative data revealed that the EFL learners found face-to-face classes more effective, and they credited the real classroom setting in that it creates more authentic and sincere communication opportunities for them. On the other hand, some opportunities created by the online classes were also stated by the participating students; in addition, some valuable suggestions were also offered by the participants for the improvement of online classes.


Online language education, Peer-communication, Perceptions, EFL

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.10n.3p.55


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