Turkish as A Foreign Language Instructors’ Perception Towards Homework

Erol Ogur, Şükrü Baştürk, Ersin Şahin


The purpose of this study is to investigate the views of instructors teaching Turkish language literacy to foreigners about the homework. For data collection, 175 instructors teaching at the Turkish Teaching Centers in Turkey in the 2021-2022 academic year participated. For the study group, the scale system in the “Google forms” software was utilized. Data were collected in 8 weeks. “The Scale of the Opinions of instructors Teaching Turkish Literacy to Foreigners about Homework” was a 3-point Likert type that consisted of 48 items. SPSS 24.0 program was used for analysis of the data. Together with descriptive statistical methods, t test was used for the comparisons of two groups with normal distribution and the ANOVA test was used for group comparisons of 3 and above. The instructors stated that the homework should be evaluated both as a process and as a content, that homework should be given for authentic as it would attract more attention of students, and that homework improved the reading and writing skills. While there was no statistically significant difference between the views of the instructors about homework by gender (p>.05), significant differences were found by graduation status (p<.05) and professional seniority (p<.05).


Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language, Turkish Literacy Instructors, Homework, Teacher Opinions

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.10n.2p.155


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