Education through Entertainment in Contemporary African Society: An Examination of Wale Adenuga’s “Super Story” in Select Divisions of Ibadan, Nigeria

Taofiq Olaide NASIR, Florence Oluwakemi OLADEJI, Adeyinka Juliet AKINBOYE


The educational system in many contemporary African nations is faced with many challenges amongst which are the quest for effective teaching and learning methodology. This paper therefore examines the methodological value and inherent potentials within the ambits of drama/cultural performances that embraces ‘edu-tainment’ concepts to identifying a problem while seeking plausible means of finding solutions to the identified problems in a participatory induced order. ‘Edu-tainment’ in this order refers to a form of entertainment activity designed to educate, amuse or entertain and instruct by embedding lessons in form of live acts, television, computer, multimedia and video games. The suitability and preference of this educational mode especially amongst the youth is a sine-qua-non essentially because of their restless gabs and proneness to boredom. The viewership of Super Story among Ibadan South-West Local Government residents was analysed to elicit knowledge for improved educational access. Survey research method using multistage and convenient sampling techniques was used with 500 copies of questionnaire distributed. The analysis of data showed that 100% of the respondents watch soap opera series and super story while 71.4% maintained viewership due to captivating storylines. Further findings suggest that soaps can be used to preserve culture and improve educational access; carefully designed Entertainment-Education programmes are viable requiring the designing and conscious implementation of media messages with the aim of educating the target audience to fulfill the functions of information, education and entertainment.


Edutainment, Educational Resources, Soaps, Story, TechnologyEducation

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