Characteristics of The Citizen of the Future According to the Views of Pre-Service Social Studies Teachers

Çiğdem Kan


The present study aimed to allow pre-service social studies teachers to define the citizens of the future and to determine the characteristics of the citizens of the future according to pre-service social studies teachers. The study group included 19 pre-service social studies teachers attending Fırat University, Faculty of Education and participated in the study on a volunteer basis. Criterion sampling method was used in the study. Thus, a semi-structured interview form that included open-ended questions was utilized to interview the students. In the study, the data were analzyed with descriptive analysis. The study findings demonstrated that pre-service social studies teachers defined the citizens of the future as individuals who love their homeland, adhere to the state and national ideals, are educated, well-informed, and aware of their rights and responsibilities as active citizens. The characteristics of the citizens of the future were described as well-informed, concerned, research-oriented, prioritizing national unity and solidarity, respectful, honest, charitable, and educated by the students. According to the pre-service teachers, citizens of the future should not be insensitive and irresponsible, betray their homeland and be useful, should not be self-seeking and selfish, uninformed, uneducated, unaware.


Citizenship, Citizen of The Future, Education, Global Citizen, Social Studies

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