Explaining Middle School Students’ Mathematical Literacy with Sources of Self-Efficacy, Achievement Expectation from Family, Peers and Teachers

Hakkı Kontaş, Bahadır Özcan


The promotion of mathematical literacy depends on understanding the variables associated with mathematics learning. The purpose of the current research was to explore relationships between mathematics achievement with sources of mathematics self-efficacy and perceived mathematics achievement expectations of parents, teachers, and friends in middle school students. Participants of the research were 332 8th grade middle school students. The research findings showed that mastery experience, social persuasions, and family expectations significantly predicted mathematics achievement. Furthermore, the most powerful predictor of mathematics achievement was the mastery experience. In conclusion, mastery experience and social persuasions dimensions of sources of self-efficacy and mathematics achievement expectations from parents have associated effects on mathematics achievement.


Self-efficacy, achievement expectation, mathematics achievement, parents, middle school

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