Proposal of a Melodic Sequence for Music Literacy in Turkey in the Light of Turkish School Music and Kodály Philosophy

Hatice Çeliktaş


Kodály method has been adapted and used in many countries’ music education systems since the 1960s and still is in use with a growing interest. Turkey is one of the countries that began to find its way in music education and brought Kodály related ideas into education in the 20th century. However, music educators constantly began to speak about the Kodály philosophy and its applications last three decades. In this study, it is aimed to examine Kodály from a cultural perspective and to discuss how Kodály approach can be better adapted for Turkish school music and Turkish music education system. For this purpose, primarily Turkish school music and its place in music education are reviewed and reported in a historical context. Later, at the end of this examination in the light of Kodály’s ideas about folk music and “musical mother tongue”, a proposal for melodic sequence is suggested for music literacy in Turkey.


Kodály Philosophy, Melodic Sequence, Music Literacy, Turkish School Music, Turkish Folk Music

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