Media as a Learning-Teaching Tool in the Context of Media Literacy from Turkish Language Teacher Candidates’ Perspective

Hatice Coşkun


This study aims to reveal the Turkish language teacher candidates’ opinions about the media as a learning-teaching tool in the context of media literacy. It has been conducted utilising the basic qualitative research pattern, one of the qualitative research types, with twenty participating teacher candidates studying in the last year of their university education. In the study, a semi-structured interview form is employed as the data collection tool. The collected data are analysed based on the content analysis method, one of the qualitative analysis methods. The results obtained in the study have shown that social media has a central place in Turkish teacher candidates’ media perception; when they were asked about the media tools for teaching, they answered the internet and YouTube primarily. The participants stressed that the media as a teaching tool offers teachers alternative ways and facilitates the educational process. For these reasons, they consider the media a usable teaching tool. The media tools they use the most in their own learning processes are the internet, YouTube and Instagram. The teacher candidates plan to use media tools while performing their jobs. Moreover, the teacher candidates, who consider utilising media tools in the learning-teaching process necessary, plan to advise their students to learn through media.


Media, Media as a Learning-teaching Tool, Social Media Tools, Teacher Candidates

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