The Effect of Employing Electronic Static Infographic Technology on Developing University Students’ Comprehension of Instructional Design Concepts and ICT Literacy

Abdulmajid Alsaadoun


The current study examined the effectiveness of the use of electronic static infographic (information graphic) technology to support university students’ learning, to develop their comprehension of instructional design concepts and to improve their Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy. The researcher used an experimental design in which 64 students in an instructional design course in the second semester of the 2019-2020 were randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group. The students in the experimental group received treatment on instructional design concepts and ICT literacy with the aid of electronic static infographic technology while the students in the control group received instruction about the same topic using regular method of instruction without the aid of electronic static infographic technology. Pretest and post-tests were administrated for the students in the two groups. Analysis of the pretest and post-test scores revealed that the implementation of electronic static infographic to support students’ learning contributed considerably in developing comprehension of instructional design concepts. There was significant difference at the level (0.05) between the post-test scores of the control and experimental groups with the benefit going to the experimental group. Based on the findings, the current study recommends the use of electronic static infographic technology to support students’ learning in teaching instructional design courses.


Static Infographic, Instructional Design Concepts, Saudi Arabia

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