Secondary School Students and their Families’ Attitudes toward Schooling in Nigeria

Opoola B. T., Taofik Olaide Nasir


Using drama as an awareness creation tool, this study examined the influence of gender, age, class, socio-economic status, parent’s level of education and religion on adolescents’ attitude towards schooling. A total of 300 (150 JSS and 150 SS2) students (males=153; females=147) randomly selected from six coeducational secondary schools in Ibadan constituted the sample for the study. The adopted Attitude toward Education Scale by Glassey (1945) and Socio-economic Status Scale by Salami (2015) were used to collect the data. The results indicated that positive significant relationship existed between the adolescents’ attitude towards schooling and gender, age, socioeconomic status, parent’s (father’s) level of education and religion but not with class which is negative. The results indicate the need to include the students’ parental and personal-social factors when counselling students through drama and performances that show students and parents’ negative attitude toward schooling.


Schooling, Drama, Attitude, Status, Students, Parents, Gender

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