Unethical Behaviors of Teachers in Their Relationships with the School Stakeholders

İsa Yıldırım, Canan Albez, Durdağı Akan


The aim of the study is to reveal the unethical behaviors of teachers in their relationships with other stakeholders in terms of their perceptions. The research was designed in phenomenology pattern and maximum diversity method was used as one of the non-probable purposeful sampling methods for the population of the study. A total of 30 participants including 3 District Director of National Education, 14 school administrators, 6 teachers, 4 parents and 3 students in the center of Erzurum province consisted the study group. A semi-structured interview form developed according to expert opinions was used in the face-to-face interviews conducted by the researchers. The obtained data were transferred to a computer and analyzed in NVIVO 12 program. Content analysis being one of the qualitative data analysis methods was used for the analysis of the data. Primarily, the codes were determined, and the themes and sub-themes were found by categorizing the codes. In accordance with the obtained data, it was concluded that the unethical behaviors of teachers are related to justice and equality, respect for themselves and others, personal and professional integrity and compliance with institutional culture. The results were compared with the results of similar studies and discussed.


Occupational Ethics, Teacher Behaviors, Ethical Principles

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.8n.1p.152


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