The Effect of Job Enabling English Proficiency Administration on Philippine Students’ English Language Skills

Lydia S. Bawa


This study aimed to examine the effect of administrating Job Enabling English Proficiency (JEEP) on the students’ English language skills in selected colleges and universities of Region XII, Philippines. The study sought to find out the relationship between the JEEP Program administration for the sustainable operation and the students’ English language skills based on their JEEP Start grades. This study utilized the descriptive-correlation design. There were 286 JEEP Accelerate student-respondents from two schools offering the JEEP Program in Region XII. Total/complete enumeration sampling was utilized. The results revealed on the JEEP administration actions for sustainable operation were rated “Highly Evident”. The correlations between administration actions for sustainable operation of JEEP and students’ English language skills based on their grades were all found significant.


English Language Proficiency, English Language Skills, Job Enabling English Proficiency (JEEP) Administration

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