Roaming Students’ Role as Text Analysts: An Analysis of Indonesian Tertiary EFL Students’ Review Paper

Endang Setyaningsih


Current trend in education has acknowledged the urgency to move students from the role of traditional receiver and echoer of information to the role of critical listener, speaker, reader, and writer. In so doing, the students need to embrace the role of text analysts who continuously question texts that they encounter. This study looked for indices of students’ engagement in text analyst role. The data for the analysis were collected from 25 EFL university students’ reviews which were randomly selected. Using the guidepost developed from Luke and Freebody’s (1999) Four Resources Framework, the study highlighted points of information and/or questions or issues addressed in the students’ writing which indicated students’ role as text analysts. The study revealed that 40 percent of the students failed to practice the text analyst role. Meanwhile, those who addressed the role showcased five major patterns of indices: (1) questioned the trustworthiness of text, (2) recognized bias, (3) uncovered hidden intention/agenda, (4) identified harmed/benefitted party, and (5) provided alternate point of view/way of saying and/or personal standing. This study concludes that the students will be able to engage in text analyst role under two conditions (1) they are not struggling with the basic comprehension and (2) they have reached a state of habituation of mind in terms of questioning text. It is therefore recommended that the students be given sufficient time for familiarization and have continuous practices to make a critical approach to texts.


Critical Literacy, Four Resources Framework, EFL, Speech Review, Text Analyst

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