Digital Storytelling in Secondary School Turkish Courses in Turkey

Nesime Ertan Özen, Erol Duran


This study aimed to evaluate the digital story-telling activities in Secondary School Turkish textbooks and curriculum. It also sought to determine the learners and teachers’ opinions about digital storytelling activities. The study was designed using the basic qualitative model. The research had two different study groups consisting of students and Turkish language teachers. The data were obtained through the 2018 Turkish curriculum, Turkish textbooks and interview forms. Content and descriptive analysis techniques were used. According to the results, a total of eight learning objectives were found in the 2018 Turkish Curriculum about story writing skills. However, there were no learning objectives related to digital storytelling. No text and activity related to the ability to create digital stories were encountered in the textbooks. Most of the teachers stated that the activities that would be done by creating digital stories would contribute to the language development of the students, and that the ability to create digital stories should be included in the Turkish curriculum. It was found that most of the students wanted to have digital story production activities in Turkish courses, and that they would be interested in preparing their stories with computers. They preferred creating a story by computers instead of writing a story in traditional ways.


Digital Storytelling, Secondary School Language, Textbook Evaluation, Writing, Turkish

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