English Language Use in Malaysian Government and Private Civil Engineering Workplaces

Noor Shahariah Saleh, Siti Fatimah Murtaza


Employers in the engineering sector require certain standard of English proficiency among their employees as the language is widely used for numerous job scopes. In order to understand the current demand of the civil engineering industry on the use of the English language in the workplace, this study was conducted on 20 undergraduates of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia who undertook the industrial training. Based on focus group discussions, the participants learned and shared significant use of English language through their industrial training experience. The findings of the study highlighted the activities that were conducted in English for speaking, listening, reading and writing including the language skills. In addition, the amount of time spent on each activity in English was also identified in understanding the importance of English language in the civil engineering sector. The findings of the study are vital in making informed decisions for the design and development of appropriate English language courses for present and future civil engineering students.


Language Use, Language Skills, Needs Analysis, Workplace Communication, Civil Engineering Workplace

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.7575/aiac.ijels.v.6n.3p.84


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