The Effect of Teaching Memory Strategies on Iranian EFL Learner’s Vocabulary Retention in Terms of learners’ Multiple Intelligences
This study targeted to explore the effect of memory strategy on EFL learners’ vocabulary retention with a consideration of learners’ multiple intelligence. In this study, the memory strategy consisted of three parts of grouping, acronym and images. The participants of this study were 80 male and female EFL learners of intermediate level who underwent 12 hours of instruction in a language institute. They were chosen through convenience sampling and they then were randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group was directly taught how to implement memory strategies in learning vocabulary. A pre-test post-test control group design was carried out to collect the required data through vocabulary tests, memory strategy and multiple intelligence questionnaires. The results showed that the experimental group’s vocabulary retention statistically improved. Moreover, the relationship between MI and vocabulary retention of Iranian EFL learners was reported statistically significant. This positive relationship was particularly reported between existential MI, linguistic MI scores and spatial MI scores and vocabulary scores. The finding provided information on how to teach English vocabulary in EFL classes and also recommended that teachers exploit MI in the teaching processes. It also suggests that educators, learners, policy makers, material producers, and syllabus designers move from traditional-based approaches to more innovative ways of teaching vocabulary.
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