The Effects of Computer Assisted Mediating Prompts on EFL Learners' Writing Ability
This study aims to examine the EFL learners' perception and process of writing development through using a digital storytelling tool, called Storyjumper. To do so, 15 intermediate-level students were participants of the study. The participants’ writing development was frequently assessed through a series of repeated writing tests before and after the treatment during one term of study, and the significance of change was examined by Repeated measure ANOVA (rANOVA). The researcher also used paired sample t-test to compare mean difference between two sets of observations. In addition, to gain an in-depth picture of fluctuations of the process of writing development, learners' views were obtained through both semi-structured interviews and self-reported reflective journals which were also recorded and analyzed. The qualitative independent variable (stories produced via Storyjumper) was the within-subjects factor, and the dependent quantitative variable on which each participant was measured (repeated writing tests) was the between-subjects factor. The findings of both quantitative and qualitative data analyses show that there was a significant difference between EFL learners' writing development before and after receiving the treatment. Moreover, majority of the learners admitted that their experiences in using Storyjumper were positive. As a result, this study is contributory in its own rights as it underscores the significance of digital storytelling as a pedagogical tool for the EFL learners' writing enhancement.
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