Visual Representativeness in Junior Secondary School English Language Textbooks in Use in Ebonyi State of Nigeria
Evidence from research findings seems to corroborate with the assertion that the students’ constant difficulties in the comprehension of English language texts may have emanated from the limited visual representativeness in most of the recommended textbooks in use in Junior Secondary Schools in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. Textbooks help to equip teachers and learners with broad and factual information concerning what learners should learn by helping them to perform well in the learning environment and in external examinations. This study investigated the types of visual representativeness in Junior Secondary School English Language Textbooks in Ebonyi State vis-à-vis the curriculum content. An exploratory-interpretive design was used in the study. A total of 9 textbooks were selected out of the 18 English language textbooks used in Ebonyi State. The visual representativeness in the textbooks were analyzed using content and qualitative analysis. Simple Percentage and frequency counts were used in the interpretation of visual representativeness in JSS English Language in Use in Ebonyi State. This was done by taking the frequency of the visual representativeness in the textbooks based on the content specification on visual representativeness of topics in the curriculum. The findings showed that the English language textbooks used in junior secondary schools in Ebonyi State of Nigeria adopted decorational, representational, and transformational visuals. It was also found that the visual representativeness in some of the English language textbooks were inadequate. For instance, the Intensive English (books I, II, and III), had 14.2%, 8%, and 19.2% under represented visuals respectively, and 85.7%, 92%, and 80.8% adequately represented visuals respectively, In New Concept English (books I, II, III ), we had 14.3%, 23.8%, and 29.4% under represented visuals respectively, and 85.7%, 77.1%, and 70.5% adequately represented visuals respectively and Junior Project English (books I, II, and III) had 20.8%, 22.7%, and 26.0 under represented visuals respectively, 12.5%, 13.6%, and 13% not represented visuals respectively and 66.6%, 63.6%, and 60.8% adequately represented visuals respectively. Based on the findings, it is recommended that English language textbooks for junior secondary school should be revised periodically in line with the curriculum content and the trend in the society to ensure more appealing instructional materials.
Keywords: Visual Representativeness, English Language Textbooks, in-Use evaluation, Junior Secondary School
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