Relationship between Acculturation Attitude and Effectiveness of Pragmatic Instruction
Attitude toward accepting target language culture or maintaining heritage culture referred to as acculturation attitude can determine language learners’ pragmatic gains during an educational sojourn. To this end, the current study investigated the relationship between language learners’ acculturation attitudes during an educational sojourn and the effectiveness of pragmatic instruction. Participants of the study were 52 Iranian postgraduate students of English education at a university in Australia. A discourse completion task was used to assess language learners’ level of pragmatic competence. The adapted version of Berry’s (2001) East Asian Acculturation Measure (EAAM) was also used to assess language learners’ level of acculturation attitude toward Australian culture. The analysis of Pearson product–moment correlation coefficient (r) revealed that there is a strong positive relationship between acculturation attitude and effectiveness of pragmatic instruction. The pedagogical implications of the findings suggested encouraging and providing opportunities for language learners who are on an educational sojourn to immerse in target language culture to be able to develop their pragmatic competence to an optimal level.
Keywords: Acculturation Attitude, Pragmatic Competence, Pragmatic Instruction
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